
Entry1  maninona (inona)
Part of speech  2  adverb
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Manao inona: Maninona eto ianao? 4  Iharam-pahavoazana marary, maty: Efa ela be aho tsy nahazo taratasy tamindRakoto ka matahotra sao maninomaninona Lay [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  what of it ? what happened ? what's the matter? [1.7]
Explanations in French  6  quoi donc? qu'est-ce que c'est? qu'est-ce qui ne vas pas? [1.8]
Examples  7  Ary raha tsy manatrika moa maninona? [2.643#122]
8  Fa maninona ny zanako no tsakoahina? [2.356#104]
9  maninona izato izy no mando volomaso; [2.895#88]
Compound words 
Tables and plates  11  All the adverbs

Anagrams  12  maninona, manonina, mañonina

Updated on 2023/10/17